Covid Info

Like many of you, our work has been affected by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. We had to relocate our studio to our dining room for several months, and much of the teaching that makes our job so rewarding has been put on hold. 

But even though things are far from "back to normal", we are back in the studio full time, and working with renewed purpose to create meaningful, magical talismans to get us through these challenging times and, hopefully, into a better future. 

The studio is open for in-person shopping on a limited, by-appointment basis. Please email if you would like to schedule a time to visit. Time slots are limited to 30 minutes, and masks must be worn for the duration. And, of course, our online store is open 24/7 if you prefer to shop from the safety of home.

We are offering limited opportunities for private lessons in the studio at this time. If you are interested, please send an email with some info about yourself, your metalsmithing goals, and your Covid prevention practices, and we will be in touch. The studio is large and open, with constant mechanical ventilation. All tools are sterilized between use. 

We believe small businesses and artisans are a big part of what makes our community a great place to live, and it takes the collective will and assistance of everyone to make sure they will be around to flourish on the other side of this unprecedented upheaval. 

Thank you so much for your continued support.

With love and gratitude, HB